"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'll just share my own stories that i think it will be fine to shared here. Too busy to update everyday or i can say that maybe im to shy to share my honest thought. Feel free to be here. Thanks for the visit.


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» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.

My siblings
Wednesday 14 August 2019 at 19:35

Bende yg saya nak sangat in future is good relationship with my beloved siblings. Saya nak kami semua sama macam sekarang, saling menyayangi antara satu sama lain. Even kitorang ada gaduh, itu kira bende biasalah, gaduh gaduh manja je. Harini gaduh, esok berbaik :) So, i want this forever. Bukan dengan adik beradik kandung je, dengan adik beradik saudara pun nak stay macam sekarang. Because our relationship is too precious, i appreciate every single moment in my life i spent with them.

I can say that I have an extremely good relationship with my siblings. I'm 20 year old female and have a sister 2 years older than me and 3 more brothers with a huge gap of years with me. I have close relationship with all of them but I'm closest to my small little brother, of course. Everyday after his school he comes into my room to just talk to me about his and my day. He is so kind and very mature for his age. We both have the same perspective on life so that's why I believe we are so close. He always says the nicest thing to me, kind hearted too. I love my other two brothers too, but nowadays I can feel that there are some gap between us. It's a little complicated. When they were little kids they used to follow my lead, but the older they got, they developed their own idea, the farther apart we got. I understand. Even we don't see eyes to eyes in many topic but there are few things that bring us together. We share a completely opposite brothers sisters relationship. We typically fight on everything but when time comes we stand together. My relationship my sister is pretty good, she is a very quite type, she is in her own world always, sometimes I feel like she is my little sister for me. I should have born first. We are like friends gossip and do shopping together. We rarely fight.

We aren't perfect and we love each other's imperfections because that is the one of the prime reasons why you need your siblings. I do something wrong, they scold me, I get angry, I realize my mistake. I approach them and say sorry, hugs and so on and also same goes to them. It is very common between us. 

A relationship no matter how much we fight among ourselves but ones someone come against one of us, we are united. I really hope we stay as now forever after even after all of us got married, have our own family, our relationship should stay as good as now. 

A relationship where we plan to trouble our mom together. A relationship where we embarrass each other intentionally. A lot more that I could not ever put it into words.

No one is perfect but I'm okay to ignore all the other faults because they're my blood.

Sunday 4 August 2019 at 00:19

We all sin,
Every single one of us do sin,
Nobody is perfect,
We are trying to,
We do mistake, 
We repent,
Stop thinking you're above everyone else,
Don't treat others like they are insignificant,
A person who is down today can climb up tomorrow,
Only the Almighty knows what the future holds.

I'm addicted
Saturday 3 August 2019 at 23:53

gif, kdrama, and while you were sleeping image

My very first k-drama is You're Beautiful, I started watching it when I was very young, I was just 13 at that time. I had a great experience of watching it. That drama made me fall in love with Korean drama. Especially oppa, there are a lot of handsome man in Korea!! It was the main reason why I became addicted to k-drama. 

Thereafter, I started watching every Korean drama that I came across and within a time period of 2 days I can complete a full completed 24 episodes of a drama. How crazy! I wouldn't eat or either sleep, I'll just focus on the drama. I didn't realize that I wasted a lot of my precious time of mine watching dramas though they were very entertaining that wasn't proper time to watch them all. I felt like I find my happiness in other world of drama that doesn't even exist, where I and my favorite character only present in that particular world, letting it take my mind and heart. At that moment, I realized that k-drama became my addiction. So I decided to overcome it by slowly. It was not easy, it may seem easy to do so but it to be honest it was really hard. Those time when I felt I should marathon whole drama, I convinced my mind not to do so. Instead I watch it with limit, 1 episode per day. Now, I still do watch k-drama but in control. It's not like you need to stop everything you like to save time, instead you should do it in a controlled way.

I'll just have fun watching handsome oppa and pretty unnies!! because my life is kind of boring and stress at the same time at least k-drama do give a little spark in my life.

at 23:47

So today,
Just after a few heartbreak without gap,
I'm disappointed again.
Wow, what a month!
Full of surprises,
That i didn't even ask.

July 2019 will be remembered as the worst month ever,
Heartbreak over heartbreak,
There were nothing special in this month,
There were no good news at all.

I'm tired,
Mentally & physically,
Again & again.

It is no such things that i have no one to share,
I have a good listener,
But i want to keep it with me, forever.

Yesterday i was shocked because of my "friend's" problem,
But it had already happened,
So i can't do anything.
Urm, and today I'm still in shock because of someone,
But much more to disappointment, i was only shocked for a few moment, and yeaa~

My chest had a really weird feeling, i was really in pain,
No words to describe,
But i tried my best to solve it & hoping for the best,
And i still believe the "someone", no matter what he do, i will correct it, for his/her better future.
I love you now & forever 

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