"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'll just share my own stories that i think it will be fine to shared here. Too busy to update everyday or i can say that maybe im to shy to share my honest thought. Feel free to be here. Thanks for the visit.


You guys can contact me in my social media! If you have anything to ask can ask me here, you guys can comment anything about my entry there too.




» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.
» friend.

Acted mature
Friday 27 September 2019 at 23:52

I just acted mature, that's all.
I had to react that way to unburden you.
That way, you'd feel less guilty.
But do you know that?
To tell the truth, i didn't want to be like this.

No tittle
at 03:46

Reminder for myself,

Jika sesuatu itu baik untukmu, 

maka Allah akan mendekatkannya dengan kamu.

tetapi jika itu tidak baik untukmu,

maka Allah akan menjauhkannya darimu.

Online shopping
Tuesday 24 September 2019 at 01:06

I'm becoming an online shopping monster, I'm seriously wasting a lot of money nowadays. I can see that, whenever I find a break time, I'm scrolling through an online shopping platform and adding stuff to my cart, It became a habit, a very bad one. Until I realized I hardly save money nowadays as my future saving as I did since I was 7. 

I have strictly warned myself to bring down my bad habits. Since that, I tried to find solution for this. The few things I found I can do with the money I have so I don't waste it on online shopping is, first of all I deleted some apps I often buy clothes and bags, as I already have enough of that things for now. Next is, I list the things I want badly and only buy it want I really really want it, not because I was bored. I also do add to cart and just wait, lol. I wait for discount or sale so I can save money. Yup, I'm trying really hard. I also did create another saving account in my bank account, so I save money in the form of fixed deposit monthly. I'm also learning about buying digital gold on online platform. You tube really do teach us so many things we don't learn in school. I have a lot of interest in buying gold as our saving and investment. But, I still have to learn and got to know about it fully before I start an gold investment, to make sure I don't lose anything and earn profit somehow. 

Hopefully, this all helps me overcome my online shopping addiction. 

Chocolate chips cookies ala subway
at 01:03
Assalamualaikum & hi

Every time nampak subway je mesti singgah beli cookies dia. Memang super sedap & family saya semua suka cookies dia.

So at first saya tried to buat resepi sendiri & hasilnya kurang memuaskan, kalau baling cookies tu kepala orang boleh pecah. Keras nak mati. Patahlah gigi kalau makan cookies tu. Then, 2nd try saya adjust resepi dari YouTube, It's from an Indonesian lady, Kueh kering chip cookies. Oleh sebab dah tengok terlalu banyak resepi saya sendiri dah confius ni resepi dari siapa, tak ingat, tengok history pun pening.

All the things you need : 

90g gula kastor
155g gula perang
1 sk garam
115g buttercup
155g tepung gandum
1/2 sk baking powder
1 biji telur
1 sk esen vanila
chocolate chip

Procedure : 

- Campak campak je, yang penting chocolate chip tu masuk last & the dough tu need to be chilled 30min baru senang sikit nak buat bentuk bulat.
- Preheat 180 dc & bakar 12min

Tips : Add brown sugar to make it chewier

Resepi : Kek gula hangus paling simple & senang
Friday 13 September 2019 at 23:37

My Atta's fav, so i tried, guna resepi Seminit di Youtube, now it became my Amma's fav too :)


1 cawan tepung gandum ( diayak )
1 cawan susu cair
1 sudu kecik soda bikarbonat ( diayak )
4 biji telur
125 gram butter cup
1 1/2 cawan gula

Cara-caranya :

1. Pukul 4 biji telur, masukkan 1 cawan susu cair.
2. Masukkan 1 cawan tepung gandum, 1 sk soda bikarbonat.
3. Pukul sampai sebati.

Gula hangus :

1. Masukkan 1 1/2 cawan gula pasir, api perlahan.
2. Kacau supaya gula tak melekat dekat kuali.
3. Lepas gula cair, masukkan 1 cawan air yang mendidih.
4. Kacau, kacau, kacau, masukkan 125g buttercup.
5. Masukkan dalam adunan tepung tadi.

Dah campur dua dua tu tadi, kacau sampai sebati, kukus selama 1 jam.


Nak kek gula hangus ni menjadi dia punya sarang semut dia, tuang gula hangus tu masa panas2 dalam adunan, tak payah perap, memang 100% jadi. InshaAllah.

A poem
at 23:12

I saw a poem in Facebook today, and I fell in love.

If your sins are the size of mountain, 
Always remember HIS rahma is like,
The water that creates those humble canyons, 

Do not despair, 
He is the forgiving,
The ever pardoning,

If your pain is deeper than t he rifts beneath the surface of the earth
Always remember after every hardship
There is ease,
Do not despair,

at 23:08

Yesterday I 
was clever
so I wanted
to change the world.

Today, I'm wise
so I'm changing myself


Monday 9 September 2019 at 23:46

I need to always remember this on thing,
key to be a better person,
day by day,
nothing is more important than,
a person who is willing to admit that,
we are not always right,
and I'm willing to do that,
I'm not always right.

at 23:45

The greatest lesson you can teach yourself is to be patient. Be patient when you're happy because happiness ends, and be patient when you're sad because sadness too ends. Nothing is constant. Everything is temporary, expect Allah, The only Everlasting.

at 08:14

They say there is a reason
They say time will heal
Neither time or reason
Will change the way I feel
Gone are the days
But in my heart
You are always there
The gates of memories 
Will never close
I miss you more than anybody know.

Al fatihah to my beloved appa cantik
Sesungguhnya rindu yang paling sakit adalah rindu pada orang yang dah meninggal dunia,

No tittle
at 00:40

Rahsia orang, aku bakal bawak sampai mati -
Rahsia yang buat aku tak tenteram,
Tidur aku tak lena.
Hati aku sakit bagai tertusuk duri.
Terluka, pedih, kecewa.
Semua ada!
Jika aku cerita pada orang lain,
Walau ianya demi aku,
Kerana aku bagaikan depresi,
Bukan untukku buka aib dia,
Hidup bagai tidak bermakna bila ku tahu,
Rahsia dia, buatku binasa bersama.
Apakan daya, terpaksaku simpan rahsia ini kekubur :)
Untung kita, Allah tutup aib kita didunia.

Sweet sour
at 00:02

You are a story,
A little paragraph story that came to my life,
A story I would tell my future children,
How it felt like,
Sweet and sour,
Bitter and twisted.

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