"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

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My problems with braces!!
Monday 26 November 2018 at 00:47

Hi, after more than 1 month i wore braces. Many things changed in my life for sure. But...there are are a lot of things i wished i knew before i wore braces. My sister & my friends who also wear braces told me that it's a common problem. But stillll... i'm not used to it.

1. Say no for chewy caramel!!
As for me it is really hard to not take any sweets because my father owns a shop, and i'm taking care of it a lot now. Since i'm at cashier for at least 9 hour a day, i just can't stop myself from eating chewy sweets. But then, it will stick at my braces & have to clean my teeth again and again. So, eating chewy caramel is a nightmare now. Hope i will get used to it soon.

2. Dry lips
This one is so so bad for me as my lips is already 24/7 dry. Even before i this my lips will literally bleed because it's to dry. And now, i don't even want to say how bad is my lips condition is!! Vaseline is helpful tho.

3. No more big bite of burger!!
Don't want to talk about this. Huh, i can't even take a bite of an apple, why bother about burger? *face palm*

4. I think i'm at the Dental clinic all the time.
I spend my time a lot there. Seriously, my new bestie are people from the dental clinic i got my braces.

5. My brackets keep on popping off!!
I hate this, well every single person who wearing braces hate this situation, i guess?  I have to go back to my orthodontist, once again, and get it fixed. Plus, every single time it's broken the duration i have to wear braces will be longer.

6. The struggle to answer people question.
It's only been one month and i got sick of the same question every single day. ( how i feel, is it painful or not, cost, where i got my braces and bla bla bla) Sick of it!! I can accept it when the person who ask is my family members or friend, but when a strangers started to ask i feel likee..."ugh, stop it". And when when that friend with perfect teeth goes like " I want to wear braces badly". Then, i have to be like "you don't do that, definitely don't"

7. Food get stuck everywhere.
They are a lot of food are forbidden when you're braces. One of it is popcorn. I love popcorn and i can't handle this!! Sometimes, i just ignore the problem i have to face and eat it. What i do even it's disgusting, every time i had done my meal. I will drink some water to clean the food that stuck & swallow it. I'm sorry, i do that.

It's supper duper uncomfortable when i wear it plus i can't talk or even eat properly. I rarely wear it. Then when i go to the dental clinic, the doctor will be "Please wear rubber band, or else you have to wear braces longer, bla bla bla"

9. A lot of mouth ulcers!
It's depends on how's you're teeth condition is. My friend always got ulcer, i rarely got. But to avoid this, you can put some wax on the wire at the end & bracket.

10. The pain when you just tightened your braces.
It's a torture because of the pressure the teeth need to handle is just too much, but it is only for a few days. I can endure it well, and surely you guys will too!!

Road to 2 month with braces and my journey is still long to go!

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I don't understand why the doctor can understand me very well. Lol

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