"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

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Tooth extraction for braces
Wednesday 26 December 2018 at 01:26
Assalamualaikum & hi,

Today i would like to share about my experience of removing my tooth for the first time ever & i got 2 of my tooth removed at the same time. Brave enough huh? So, before i went to my ortho dental appointment, i didn't knew 2 of my tooth will be removed soon! I didn't mentally & physically prepared for it. I thought i would get my braces tighten and yeah, so i cleaned my teeth at house and went to the dental clinic as usual.

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So true, i would be so lazy for the whole month & brush my teeth extra long on the day i have appointment.
When the doctor checked my teeth, he asked me if i want to get my tooth removed today & i was like why not. The doctor, started his work, hi gave me an injection of anesthesia, so i didn't felt anything during the process of tooth extraction. He gave me more than 4 injection guys!! But it is not that painful, so don't worry. It will feel like you got bitten by ants. Believe me, but yes it is not painful when he gave an injection at your gum or lips, but it really painful when he inject me at the palate. Auchhh!! Hell no man. He injected me twice there while saying "sorry Sakinah, it will hurt".

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Then i don't know what he did, but then a dental assistant came and held my head. I was blur, like what's going on, why are you holding my head?? At that moment the doctor pulled of my tooth. Seriously, i didn't felt anything other then confused why my head being held. The doctor did everything perfectly. But there was blood everywhere. 

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That was a lot of blood. What a waste, my blood!! The blood didn't stop when i was waiting outside, i went to toilet for a few times to clean up and wipe my bloods. Then the doctor called me and he changed my cotton and he dipped the cotton in hot water to help me to stop the blood. That's it, it wasn't thattt scary. The pain after?? I had none, i didn't feel anything till now, it's the day 2 after tooth extraction. I'm taking the medicine the doctor give me correctly. So if you guys, just had your teeth removed, make sure you take your medicine properly so you won't feel any pain like me. That's all, & yeah maybe i will got more tooth removed in my next appointment, maybe, i'm not sure. As for the next entry i would like to share about my experience in doing RCT Okayy, Bye.

** Will update abt RCT later ^^ 

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