"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'll just share my own stories that i think it will be fine to shared here. Too busy to update everyday or i can say that maybe im to shy to share my honest thought. Feel free to be here. Thanks for the visit.


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First time doing henna design.
Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 02:44
Assalamualaikum & hi,

I'm feeling proud of myself right now. Me myself who don't even can draw a straight line properly, finally did my henna on my own. Lol. As i told in my previous post, i have been jealous of people who are talented in doing henna design. Huhuhu.

For the first attempt, i think my design can be accepted tho. Before i do my henna, i tried it on paper for a thousand times and at last i fed up with myself because it turn out bad. But then, my mom said just give it a try. Tadaaa

My first try on paper
This henna, my mom bought for me from Mekah.

Okayy guys bye!! Wait for my next entry, i will share about my brother's Khantan Ceremony. 

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