"I don't update everyday tho, i write whenever the mode comes." - Sakinah

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'll just share my own stories that i think it will be fine to shared here. Too busy to update everyday or i can say that maybe im to shy to share my honest thought. Feel free to be here. Thanks for the visit.


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A lot of things happened recently
Wednesday 13 February 2019 at 21:49

Assalamualaikum & hi

I miss sharing everything here so much as recently my schedule are packed so i don't have enough time to share my story here.

But let me summaries it to share it to you guys & as my own memory too, i don't want to forget all the things happened tho, in future i can get my memories back here, i guess?
There are a lot of things i want to share, really don't know where to start. Should i start from the bad thing or good thing?

Past few weeks, my grandma's brother, which i call "appa" (grandpa) came to Malaysia, all the way from India, to settle down here. He had been thrown away by his daughter because of money issue. Then, he came to Malaysia as he thought he can stay at his sister's children house which is my mom's siblings at Pulau Pinang. But he didn't knew, everyone was struggling, everyone have their own problems going on, they can't even feed themselves enough, cause busy, no time & many more. My uncle lost his son (my cousin, same age) & still struggling tho, plus, he was busy with his daughter marriage. I don't know who i should pity, grandpa? Uncle? Aunt? My dad? Mom? Myself? Next, if he want to stay at my aunt's house (even she was welcoming) my aunt herself was struggling at maximum as she was not in good health condition. As my family, we had our issues going on at that moment to. As a conclusion i can say that no one did really volunteer to took care of him.

My father helped him to took care of his visa, found a work & place to stay. Even i knew my father really wanted to help him as he can, but i also knew that my grandpa is not in a good enough condition to work, he CAN'T work. He can't hear well, how can he work? Once he was a famous cook at his place but now..

After the wedding, he came to my place, he wanted to stay with us for a while. He really loves us. The day he came, my parents went to Penang. The next day he shared all his problem with me & my mother. He told us he was mentally hurt. He talked non stop about his worries. But i think he only shared 20% of his worries. He don't want us to feel bad for him. The next day he kept on asking me for a drive, he said he really wanted to go for a ride with me. But i was busy at that time. I regret.  I promised him i will take him for a ride tomorrow. Now i remember few months ago he called me from India & asked me if i have a licence so that when he come to Malaysia i can take him out

Wednesday, at around 8pm my sister called me and asked me to come asap to my father shop. I was shocked as i can hear crying sound at the background. I really can't forgot how i was driving back then, i was shivering,  i was scared. I managed to go tho.

My sister told me, my grandpa involved in an accident, a super bike hit him. He was walking back from mosque after magrib prayer. It was just in front of my father's shop, and my brothers all was there, when the accident happened. They were shocked. The bike was super speed so when the accident happened both of them....

The night after the accident, we went to hospital, he was still in the yellow zone. Is it because he was old? He was in a yellow zone even he was so critical. And the super bike guy was in red zone. Even he was not that critical. My grandpa's both arm & leg & eyes & nose and his head was seriously injured.

The next day he was sent to XXX Hospital & all the things they cared about was only money. Only because he was a foreigner so the cost is higher there and the doc was only talking about the cost not how's my grandpa condition. They (doctors)  didn't want to touch his head, they wanted us to pay for minor things like leg, arm, nose & eyes. Because they knew if they touch my grandpa head, he can't survive. He is 73 yo. He was really at his maximum & all they cared about was money. The total cost their were talking was about 40 to 50k.

At thursday, 1.55pm he was gone. He can't take it anymore. But he was smiling at the moment. His smile was the sweetest smile ever. We can't even cry when we saw his smiling face. It was hard to believe at the first. But he was called by Allah on the way his was walking back from prayers. MashaAllah.

I really can't go in detail about this. Bye, Assalamualaikum. 

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